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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 22, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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score. do i mean at >> cnn this morning with kasie hunt next it's monday, april 22, right now? >> now on cnn this morning, opening statements set to begin in donald trump's hush money trial. new cnn reporting on who prosecutors plan to call as their first witness. a foreign aid bill passed by the house, leaving hard right republicans and hamas infuriated. and a crisis on campus jewish students at columbia university urged to stay home for their own safety all right 5:00 a.m. hearing washington, but this is a live look at new york city on this monday morning where openings statements are set to begin in the donald trump trial. good morning, everyone. i'm casey hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us opening
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statements in the historic criminal hush money case against donald trump set to begin just a few hours from now, cnn has learned that david, the former chairman of the national enquirer, is parent company company is expected to be the first witness called by the manhattan da's office, according to a person familiar with the plans, was a central player in the alleged scheme to pay hush money to adult film star stormy daniels to cover up her alleged affair with trump ahead of the 2016 presidential election is the first in a string of witnesses expected to take the stand. >> they include trump's former fixer, michael cohen, stormy daniels herself, the former trump aid hope hicks, and karen mcdougal, who has also alleged that she was paid to conceal an affair with trump the former president briefly spoke to the media after jury selection wrapped up on friday we just had another theory the trial
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starts on monday, which is long before a lot of people fled to judge it's good to go as fast as possible that's for his is not for my eraser this is a giant witch to try and earn a campaign that's beating more president in history at this is the only way they think they can win, but it's not going to work. thank you very much all right. >> joining me now to discuss is eugene scott his senior politics reporter at axios eugene. good morning to you and i see so we spent last week in jury selection this morning, we are headed to the start of this trial. >> it's a historic moment really for the first first-time former president is going to be really involved in the meats of a criminal trial. here, what are you expecting to unfold today well, listening to obviously these opening statements and listening to the former president's attorneys try to make the case that the former president did nothing wrong, that decisions were made that were either beyond him out of his control or that did not
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involve him. >> and one of the things that i think we're going to see is them really try to pick apart the prosecution's witnesses specifically michael cohen, and make the argument that these individuals who are trying to prove or make the case that trump did do things wrong, just aren't reliable, credible people. >> why do you think they make the decision to start with david? here? he obviously was the person who basically said, okay, i'll i'll keep an eye out. try to keep bad stories out of the tabloids for you when you're running for present and i think the argument is that is running his own business and making many decisions by himself, that even if he had conversations with the former president, which they probably are going to try to make the case that he did not. >> that these were choices that he ultimately made, that not that did not involve the president. their whole argument minutes that the president is innocent that he did not do this and having another businessman command showing how he operated his cooperation could help them make that case.
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>> so of course, big picture the politics of this. i mean, you and i have sat here on many of mourning and talked about the fact that these trials, the various indictment immense, the looming trials were something that helped donald trump or seems to help him politically in the primary election. sure. but we have raised questions about what impact would happen the general election. nbc news had to pull out over the weekend a new poll the official cnn parlance is that this rais remains to close there's no clear leader shown, but we can put up there that you see that there is some movement in joe biden's favor when they did this pull back in january, it was 42% for biden. now he has ticked up to 47%. this is of course in the head-to-head, it doesn't account for the third party candidates as it looks well different when you do that. >> but this does seem to suggest that perhaps there is something to this idea that as the general election would work to be joined, and donald trump, of course, were to actually
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have to confront these legal challenges that have been looming over him. things might start to move. what do you see that we've seen this in a few recent elections to be they congressional midterm more general election primary voters and general voters are very different, right? >> you have these loyalists and primary voters who are going to back the former president, almost no matter what. but we have polling. we talked to focus groups where voters who are outside of the base say, if he's convicted, i'm not sure that i'm going to back him. and now we're getting close so to that possibly happening. and we also see more voters paying attention now and being reminded of what happened during the trump presidency. and they're deciding, i don't know if i want to go back to this. >> did you have a sense that what unfolded last week actually started to break through with people. i mean, the other piece of this and thank here's some members of republican members of congress. we should say defenders have donald trump allude to this, but they will say that like voters don't distinguish and sarah longwell, who's, who's on with us at regularly. she talks to trump voters as well.
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there's this sense that it's all the same, all the legal problems he's facing are the same in voters minds. and that it is kind of baked in, was that the sense you got, you covered this last week and as we head into the real, the real heart of this trial, i did last week, i spoke with a lot of people outside of washington, some student groups and focus groups, and they're paying attention now and they want to know, is this actually going to happen? are there other cases that are going to make it before the flexion? what did i think the outcome was going to be people are tuning in now because four months, if not more than a year, we've been saying that things are moving in this direction and now that a jury has been selected, people are paying attention. >> eugene scott thank you very much with us this morning. i really appreciate it all right. >> up next here, hamas and far-right republicans are furious with house leadership after aid for israel passes plus crisis at columbia university, jewish students urged to stay home for their own safety and north korea
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your air. ducks get cleaner air in system efficiency. now, with stanley steamer, your air ducts are clean until their stanley still temur these name again. try killing bugs, the worry-free way. not the other way. because evo, traps use light to and trap flying insects with no order and no mass they were continuously. so you don't have to his evo people friendly, deadly i'm sunlen serfaty in washington in this is cnn welcome back. >> the head of israel's military intelligence unit has just resigned for not detecting hamas's preparations for the october 7 attacks. >> he's the first senior military official to resign over the intelligence failures that led to the deaths of over 1,000 israelis hundreds more taken hostage cnn's max foster is with me now. >> max. good morning. i great to see you. >> this is really the first significant move toward
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israelis, the israeli government taking accountability for having been on watch when october 7 unfolded. >> what do you see in this move here? >> will the intelligence agencies, a while ago didn't they? they they admitted they were intelligence failures and on a pretty epic scale, if you look at the fallout from what happened on october the seventh, but also the fallout since then as well, the reaction this war that's come out of it and the pain that israel has been through. so this is someone finally taking account and responsibility for that. the question is whether or not it's enough. this is just one senior intelligence officer. were many people are pointing the finger at benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister who was ultimately, who is ultimately responsible for the reaction, and someone who is, of course plugged into intelligence and whether or not he saw that intel and whether he was part of that failure. so i don't think this is the end of it, but i think there will
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be some satisfaction at least that someone's taking responsibility it's interesting at max netanyahu, it's seems in the wake of these attacks from iran is almost been strengthened in this way as that, as those attacks from iran had been launched on israel, it has kind of reinforced his repeated messaging that we've talked a lot about here. that while we can have conversations about out a political accountability until we're done with the war, until we're kind of out of this immediate situation, that kind of throw him a lifeline in this kind of strange way. i mean, certainly it changed the politics on the ground here in washington in terms of the movement of aid to israel getting out the door and the house speaker mike johnson, finally act we asked him to the pressure around that. is this all unfolded? what is your sense of how events have kind of turned things at for netanyahu, even of course, as we have the administration, the biden white house basically saying they want to make moves
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against a west bank unit that military unit accused of human rights abuses. that is a significant thing that they are basically going against the israelis in that way. that's not something we've seen either. >> i think public opinion is firmly against that. yahoo washington, tony against a netanyahu as well but is it the right time to for a change in leadership when you're involved in a war with hamas. and there's this huge amount of tension as well with iran, which seems to have died down for now at least, but it's not going away anytime soon so it's a question of whether or not you want a lot of political instability at this time. and this is something that cynics about netanyahu say he's, he's playing to as long as there's this tension they need a strong war leader in power and he's the man two to do it. but i think if you look at any of the evidence as soon as all this is over his politically extremely
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weak max, on another topic. >> although related in that big bill that the house passed over the weekend, foreign aid bill. they also sent a tiktok ban to the senate it's a little bit modified from the one that they had done before. it gives him a little bit more time. >> what did you make of that? >> and i know we've talked a lot about this here and i know you are on the i'm actually not active on tiktok, but you are i would highly recommend to everyone that they follow you if they're on the platform because i certainly have learned from you in terms of how you use it. but i think it really does underscore the fear that a lot of lawmakers here in washington have around china's control over the platform and the influence it has even how they conducted their campaign against it, has reinforced everything that lawmakers have been saying because they've been flooded with these calls saying, hey, look, china wants to influence our political process. they're doing it right
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now yeah, i mean, there's several different angles on this certainly bears you could argue there's a possibility that there could be a lot of chinese influence on the app, whether or not they're using that isn't quite clear, but it's certainly does suppose a lot of people to the potential of chinese authorities having access to at least the data on the app that's what all the question and concern is in washington. >> lot of legitimate concern as well and big questions being asked it has however taken hold in america in an extraordinary way. lot of young people quite dependent on it, but also a lot of brands dependent on it. so what i'm interested in seeing is if this gets through the senate we know that biden is going to sign it if it does get through the senate, what happens after that? because the idea that it would be closed down pretty quickly we have china or if bytedance doesn't sell it isn't necessarily the process that might play out because there are so many vested interests in america in this app, you wonder if it will get caught up in all sorts of
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legal cases and they'll survive a while because of that. and you can't really imagine a situation where the chinese government would actually allow it to be sold by bytedance. so maybe it's not a bite dark bytedance decision in the end lots of potential avenues there you're absolutely right. >> i mean, there's no way tiktokker shutting down in the at before the election. so from that perspective, democrats yeah, go ahead. there's just a great debate on tiktok about this at the moment about how president biden seems to be. so against it was going to sign this into law. and yet is appearing on tiktok and using it as barb his campaign on the democrats account fair enough. max foster, person wanted max great to see you. >> thank you so much. see you tomorrow coming up next opening statements set to begin. >> in donald trump's hush money trial. we're going to have new details about the first witness expected to take the stand plus an intruder or arrested for breaking into the home of the
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step counter, the sport matt and wireless remote call. >> now this is cnn news 22 minutes past the hour. >> here's your morning round up. north korea believed to have fired multiple short-range ballistic missiles just hours ago the japanese coast guard announcing that at least one of the missiles fell into the waters of east of the korean peninsula. no injuries or damage have been reported three people injured after a car rammed into a group of pedestrians on a street in jerusalem. israeli police characterize the incident as a terror attack saying the suspects attempted to fire weapons as they fled on foot two of the suspects have been arrested delaware state university will be closed again today after an 18 woman was shot and killed near a residence hall early sunday police say she was not a
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registered students & an intruder arrested for breaking into the home of los angeles mayor karen bass fast and her family were home at the time they were not injured. the unidentified suspect was arrested without incident. so then and is being held on $100,000 bond time now for whether more than 70 million people in the eastern us under frost alerts this morning, temperatures also expected to be about 15 degrees below average. and parts of southern plains are weatherman van dam tracking all of it for us. derek, happy monday to you. good to see you. >> day. >> it's earth day today. that's right. that's right. so april 22 here it is. and this weatherman is checking his calendar going. why are we talking about frost and freeze warnings? this morning? i think people need to just be aware that not everyone is below freezing with this setup. but i remember cold air sinks. so if you happen to be in one of those valleys let's say, across central pennsylvania, right along the spine of appellations. this is where some of that colder era settled
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in. and if you've already planted your vegetables for the season, or perhaps a flowers that could be a jeopardy this morning. so just keep that in mind. maybe if you can get out there early, remember the coldest part of the morning is roughly between five and seven in the morning. so if you have pituitary to cover those plants that are extremely sensitive, you can see temperatures are indeed above freezing for most of these locations, look at cincinnati 34, but we will be cold this week. in fact, about 56% of the lower 48 or roughly 180 million people will be below 40 degrees. so we'll see that mercury in the thermometer dropped well below average for this time we're here's an example, atlanta, 44 this morning, st. louis 42 on monday morning where your normal low temperature should be in the upper 40s to around 50. so clear and cool. all thanks to this high pressure system, i want to show you this. you can see a cold front that is going to be our next, whether maker, there's a deporting system that's really bringing us are only ran in fall on the map this morning across eastern us, but it's that secondary cold front that'll develop across the plains with severe weather
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chances as we edge towards the second half of this work week, kasie, happy birthday, happy monday heavier thay. >> happy monday, or whether menn van dam, derek, i'll see you next hour. thank you very much. >> all right coming up next to be first witness expected to take the stand after opening statements in donald trump's hush money trial plus protests rocked in columbia university's campus classes, all being held virtually today laura coates live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn, rice diabetes. >> there's no slowing down each de is a unique blend of people to see and thanks to that's why you choose lucerne to help manage blood sugar response uniquely designed with carbs steady glue, sirna bring on today stay tuned to get this ultra non-stick bake ware set, andes razor sharp, chef's knives free from granite, stone, has your old set of pans laws, they're slick. everything good, great. done,
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st. louis, missouri. look at that arch beautiful good morning. >> thank you for waking up with us. and kasie hunt just a few hours away from opening statements in the first ever criminal trial of a former us president donald trump facing 34 felony charges in an alleged hush money scheme to conceal an affair with adult film star stormy daniel's head of the 2016 election trump will be in the new york courtroom with the presidential election just six months away. he has of course, wasted no time attacking the judge in the case right after the jury was seated on friday this is a witch by numerous judges, democrat judges. >> you take a look at it and goren is a whack job. >> this is a giant i'm going to try and earn a campaign that's reading the worst president in
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history cnn has learned that the prosecution's first witness will likely be david. >> he is the former publisher of the national enquirer, joining me now is former federal prosecutor andrei tarkovsky andrew. good morning. thank you so much for being here. this is a real cast of characters that we are expecting to come through this courtroom. why start with well, he is the one who essentially initiated the payments to stormy daniels. >> and that is an important factor in all of this. the payment to stormy daniels is the initiation of what they say is donald trump's effort to effectively interfere with the election by making a payment to a hush money payment that was not reported in any sort of campaign finance books and was part of his overall scheme to interfere with that election. now, the prosecutors have to prove several layers of donald trump from specific intent and it all goes to the question of whether he was making that
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payment in order to in order to help him through the election versus what the defense is going to say, which is effectively that he was doing it to protect his own reputation and the reputation of his businesses andrew, there's this question about whether or not we're just showing kind of the list of possible witnesses here. >> there's a question about whether or not trump is going to testify in his own defense when we get to that phase of the trial, if you're the prosecution, first of all, do you think that that's a realistic threat that trump? >> because making are realistic promised depending on how you want to look at it. >> and two, what are the risks for trump? >> you've prosecuted these type. i mean, you are a former prosecutor. how are you if you're in the shoes of the prosecutors here in this case, thinking about the possibilities and the thing because you need to accomplish if donald trump were to actually take the stand well, donald trump has said that he is going to test fire, that he
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intends to testify. >> i think it's way too early for criminal defendant to make that decision, and i am a criminal defense attorney at this point, so i see it from both sides. now, if donald trump chooses to testify, it's because the underlying elements of this case require the prosecution to establish beyond a reasonable doubt what was the specific intent of donald trump himself? and so if he testifies he's effectively getting up there to say that it was not his intention to cook the books as it were, or to interfere with the election by not according certain payments to election officials. the prosecutors meanwhile, are going to have to build a case to show that donald trump has limited credibility that he's lied on several occasions depending on how you view that the prosecutors have no doubt for air that they prepared a long list of a specific specific instances of untruthfulness, and that's what ultimately will be the fight here if he testifies& bibi believed so what do expecting
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from prosecutors today as they make their opening statements when you approach a case like this, what are the goals? >> of the start of something like this? and how will you be able to tell whether you think prosecutors have been effective the prosecutors need to lay out their case and they need to establish essentially what facts they're going to present, but also how those facts are going to play in with the various legal elements that the required to prove throughout the course of the trial? >> it will likely sound much like the original indictment, but will be much more colorful. colorful. i'm sure trial lawyers at the end of the day are putting on a bit of a show for the jury. we can expect the defense will similarly take their opportunity to give an opening thank statement, and they will start to present issues with credibility of witnesses, but also really hammer on the legal elements and how difficult it is for the
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prosecutors to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the thoughts and the intentions in donald trump's mind at the time that he was engaged in effective believe, bank stormy daniels to remain silent on the issues of her alleged affair with donald trump quite a day ahead of us. >> andrei tarkovsky. thank you very much for being here to help us understand it. i really appreciate your time. >> let's go now to capitol hill. where house speaker mike johnson's long journey to yes, on ukraine aid has come to an end. pretty remarkable i was with him the night before he made the decision. he preyed on it. and the next day, he said, i want to be on the right side of history the house speaker coming to a decision last week to defy his party's right flank and push through $60 billion in aid for ukraine after months of resistance how did he get their prayer trump and his own son to put it
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bluntly, i would rather send bullets to ukraine than american boys. my son is going to begin in the naval academy this fall. this is a live-fire exercise for me as it is so many american families. this is not a game, it's not a joke all right, dr. me know, maga talib, she's the director of circuits universities, democracy, journalism, and citizenship institute, also senior contributor for axios. margaret. good morning. i will just say it is actually refreshing to have people who have skin in the game making decisions. there has been fewer and fewer people in that category in congress. so really interesting that, that mike johnson brought that up. let's talk about johnson himself because this really was a crucible moment for him and he seems to have come out the other side stronger and winning praise from both democrats and republicans for defying the right flank. what did you see and what happened over the weekend? and how do you see mike johnson in this has been a real leadership tests for him and we kinda had to break from
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the gang who brought them to the party in order to make this decision, it's gotta be an isolating feeling, right? when the people who to some extent, where are your allies, are now calling for your head, but it's funny. we mentioned a few things there, his own son who's entering the naval academy, donald trump, but it was a cast of so many other, such a weird wide cast. it was zelenskyy himself. it was president biden and the cia director. it was folks like mike mccullough hello, you saw and it was like evangelical christians, ukrainian christians talking about the impact on their own lives. it was the history of john quincy adams like it is he, he really had a moment where he went for everyone. we've been talking about how he was his journey from backbencher to house speaker is sort of a cheap, easy way. to say it, but he went from a guy who didn't have to deal with the consequences of the decisions he would make to this moment and it certainly seems that he
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reached that moment of reckoning and thought, well, this is why i lose my jobs. so be it but i think he's still may lose his job he is. if he seems stronger, it's only because there's a coalition of democrats led by the democratic leader hakeem jeffries, who are working now. it appears to be ready to sort of prop them up and keep them into the speakership. he's still going to have a moment of reckoning. it may come after november rather than now, but he just rid of decided that. and look, there's another factor two, there are ever of congressional swing districts where the ukraine funding is actually quite popular and there's a domestic political component to this as well. the hard right flank, maybe strongly against it. the party may be split by it. but in those frontline districts that he would need if he's going to have a prayer of keeping the speakership or if they're republicans are going to have a prayer of say, the majority, they want the ukraine funding, right? >> of course, we should be clear there staring at an election where most observers,
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i talked to feel like democrats have a very good shot of taking back the house. so this is his job is on the line in that regard because would be anyway. right. and so do you want to be responsible when the majority of the country and probably a majority of republicans in this country want this funding and when the implications of pulling it could have widespread implications for us democracy. the us role in the world. >> he found that moment congressman tony gonzalez republican, but in the more moderate camp, was on state of the union over the weekend on the panel, and he really came out swinging at the very, very top of the conversation. >> here's what he said about some of his fellow republicans in the house watch he will. survive. look, the house is a rough and rowdy place, but mike johnson is going to be just fine. i served 20 years in the military. it's my absolute honor to be in congress, but i served with some real scum
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bags, look up matt gaetz he paid miners to have sex with them. a drug parties bob good endorse my opponent. a no neo-nazi. these people used to walk around with white hoods at night. now they're walking around with white hoods in the daytime white hoods in the daytime. >> so i don't think you're going to see speaker mike johnson come out and aligned himself with those remarks directly. those were macs quite a lot, quite a lot, but there is obviously it's not just that there's a division and the republican party. is that there is a right flank where it's just a handful of members that really have the ability. an even more so now with the last couple of retirement announcements to hold the rest of the party hostage i'm not sure that the party is really ready to take that on, and i think if there is another donald trump term and may be even harder for the party to take that on but but that's what you're seeing right there. and the challenge for
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johnson other than wanting to try to do something for his legacy or understand the consequence of the vote is that if you if you don't put your leadership to the test on issues like this you are probably you're going to lose your job anyway, right? and so the reality is that he needs that democratic coalition to help him govern as long as the rules allow one or two republicans to end is leadership. yeah. so speaking of democrats and what they need to do, congressmen gerry connolly he was on cnn over the weekend and he was not so charitable towards johnson, listened to what he said i don't think we owe speaker johnson anything. >> his views on gay rights, gun rights, women's, reproductive rights voting rights our, and, of course, the certification of the election of joe biden are antithetical to everything we hold dear as democratic so he
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says, i don't think we owe speaker johnson anything, but i mean, my sense of my reporting is that they are democrats were open to and this would be more explicit than voting with him am on policy, right? >> they would have to say if marjorie taylor greene foster her threat, democrats would have to actively support him, right? >> do you think they would mean it's a big question, but it's like it is transactional. it's not that they are embracing mike johnson as a person whose policies they agree with. it's a matter of getting a bare minimum of things done right now. and yeah, johnson remains aligned with donald trump. johnson waited all of these months and you heard ukrainian president zelenskyy over the weekend saying, essentially saying it is it's been very, very long. we're very grateful to have it, but these delays make a difference. they're still waiting on things that were approved your ago. so even the amount of time it took them to get them to the spot has cost the ukrainians quite a bit of running room but i think
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from the democrats perspective this gives them an opportunity to make coalitions when they need to on a central votes. i don't think it's a matter of them thinking, hey, mike johnson's a great guy in a great leader. we'd like to see them be speaker forever. they want to beat him in november but they want someone who they can come together and make votes on the central issues through the end of the year, right? well, otherwise there's there's just no there's nothing here. are we here are your talon. thank you very much. i really appreciate it all right. >> coming up next to crisis on the campus of columbia university, a rabbi telling jewish students to stay safe, by staying home plus the nba playoffs in full swing bleach report up next higher shipping rais may be the cost of doing business. >> but at what cost turns shipping to your advantage with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service i'm getting vaccinated
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rabbi linked to the ivy league school is urgent. >> jewish students to stay home as tense confrontations with pro-palestinian protesters flare on campus. the atmosphere is so charged charged that columbia officials announced that all of today's classes will be held virtually. cnn's shimon prokupecz talked to several students on the new york city campus yesterday particularly the last few days i've uncomfortable around this university i've felt lie this is not a welcoming environment as far as like walking around on campus, i will say i still feel safe. i don't want that to be like any kind of excuse for these people. they've made the campus hostile feeling. >> you're supposed to graduate& a month visit here so you don't you don't take you go. >> i don't think it's safe jimmy now to discuss a garcia molly, former spokesperson for the us mission to the united nations, host of oh, my world on youtube. hagar, thanks very
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much for being here. you are a columbia university graduate. what is your reaction to the tension on campus? right now? and these just really stunning and disturbing videos that have come out over the weekend thanks so much, casey, and thanks for covering this. >> i'm not only a graduate, i'm a current adjunct professor at the school of international public affairs at columbia. and i saw the protests with my very own eyes. and i was horrified. i saw them over the weekend. i was there on thursday. it was when when when the students were in camps and intense and were arrested after that. and i'm completely horrified for multiple reasons. but most importantly, because while i was there, i saw as i was walking around and as one of the students said i didn't feel on campus, didn't feel unsafe. but but the environment is incredibly hostile and i'll give you an example of that i walked by two posters. i nearly stopped breathing. two pro two posters of terrorists of known
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terrorists, not difficult to google if you've gone to columbia, you probably know how to google two terrorists, one affiliated with the popular front for the liberation, palestine, a us designated terrorist organization. and the other spokesperson for a former spokesperson for the palestinian islamic jihad, both of whom are dead, both died in israeli prisons. and to walk by having worked in counter terrorism in my government career and see these posters was punched in the gut. and i can't imagine if i were a jew students and israeli student or really any student, how i would feel if i were to see something like that. so the thing that is posterize glorifying them basically they didn't have any comment about them. they just had the posters, big posters on sticks with these posters sticking up and in my view, i mean, listen, if you had september 11 if you had september 11 and then anywhere in the world you saw a protest where somebody just had a picture sure of maybe not bin laden himself, but an associate
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of bin laden, associate of al-qaeda. and you had that photo up there, then you would feel pretty threatened. you would you would see the message they're trying to convey and you could argue that maybe these students are lost and young. but again, this is very knowable information if they google their names, their the information about them is right there. and as a former government counterterrorism official, i know what these guys were up to, and that's that kind of message. that's not protesting against the war. that's not calling for a ceasefire, that's not even protesting for divestment at columbia university policy that is sending a message to students who are israeli, who are jewish or anybody really that this is the mess. this is what they stand for. they stand for what these guys are representing. >> and by the way, one of those terrorist organizations palestinian islamic jihad is actively holding hostages in gaza right now, imagine that kind of message hagar, the white house, responded to this they said quote, while every american has the right to peaceful protest, calls for
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violence and physical intimidation, targeting jewish students and the jewish community are blatantly anti-semitic unconscionable and dangerous. >> there's also, of course, the rabbi associated with columbia who urged jewish students to go home do you agree with that call well, i agree with it, but i hated& so i say that because this is the protesters are not allowed, they should not be allowed to intimidate the students and faculty so much that the school feels that it has shut down. >> that is not why students have paid an enormous tuition and have dreamt of going to the school so that they can be told they have to go study from home because other students want to disrupt their lives so much. they are disruptive they are loud all day outside the main library, outside all the classes. if students want to just go about their day and go have lunch or go study, which should be the main goal. they are a constant disruption but
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what i agree with if i had my child at columbia, i also would tell them to go home and by the way, it's not just because of the tension on campus, it's also because those protests have invited he did extremists outside who are yes, they are locked outside, but columbia's campus is not only one main campus you have the majority of the students live around. and so imagine walking by protestors saying, we are hamas, who they're calling for intifada. they don't even understand half the time would intifada means but the other half do. and so that's why if i had a student walking around with a yarmulke, it would not i would not feel comfortable for them. i would tell them, please be careful, please maybe stay home. so i think that while i would say the same thing, i think i just i don't like the decision i would have rather seen something that pushed back on the protesters and what their messages are all right. >> hi garcia, molly, for us this morning, hagar. thanks very much for being here. i appreciate it all right. >> time now for sports, the
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thunder hold off the pelicans& the final seconds to take game one of their nba playoffs. curious caroline mano has this morning's bleacher report. caroline. good morning. good morning. kasie will on paper, this looks like a mismatch oklahoma city let me give is the top seed in the west facing into orleans seem without their biggest stars, zion williamson, but that's why they don't play the games on paper because this is a back-and-forth the from the jump with more than then 40 lead changes in the game with less than a month, zuko thunder, rookie phenom, chet holmgr coming up wita huge block bere mvpandate shai guilty alexaer camup pledge with the k jumr to help decide thigame pelicanguard cj mccollum had a chan for thwin in this me, but his threpoint attempts at the buzzer was just slightest bit offlin so okc escapes e scare to take game 1904 to 92 well basketbalcongestion matters we actually got a structure where we wanted to let are believed but didn't up
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to get a w will one day dame time coming early and game one of the bugs pacers series, damian lillard scored 19 points in the first quarter does set the tone finished with 35 all in the first half as milwaukee roll-to-roll one, when this was his first playoff games is 2020 one he spent his first 11 seasons with portland before being traded to the bugs and he was asked how much you miss playing in games that really matter last two years not being in the playoffs. >> it was, you know, it sucks when i was really vacations last year. i was i went the coachella like i never been able to go to coachella. light is planning to play offs every year so just having that long summer, it was like man i was over that the playoffs continue tonight with a doubleheader on our sister channel, tnt, the sixers will try to even their series with the knicks at 7:30 eastern and then the nuggets. >> so, so broad and the lakers
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and game to tip-off for that one a bit later, set for 10:00 and golfer nelly korda equaling an lpga record over the weekend. kasie winning her first tournament in a row at the first women's major of the year, the chevron championship. >> the world number one had the shot of the day with a shipment of bertie. on the tenth hole, but she was not done. her tee shot on the par-three 17th hole nearly went in for the hole in one. she has been playing so phenomenally, the 25-year-old finishing should il-2, she had a birdie at the end of the day on the last hole to win by two strokes. the only cool thing that she could do to cooler self-doubt was of course, cannon ball into the pond in front of the 18th green. a lot of women have made that jump and good for her. she has just been out of control five straight tournament wins, remarkable stuff from nelly i love it, amazing. >> all right, carolyn, thank you very much for that. i really appreciate it. >> coming up next here. the first witness expected to take the stand and donald trump's criminal hush money trial plus
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